Carlos de Serpa Pimentel
Appleby Group
Carlos de Serpa Pimentel is a partner in the Private Client and Trusts department of the Appleby
Carlos specialises in all aspects of Cayman Islands trust law advice and trust litigation. He
regularly advises trustees and ultra-high net worth individuals on the establishment, restructuring
and administration of trusts, and the use of private trust companies as well as providing advice to
Protectors and beneficiaries on a variety of trust related matters. He also advises on estate
planning and administration of estate issues for high net worth individuals. Carlos has substantial
experience in relation to Cayman Islands and BVI trust litigation matters, acting on behalf of
trustees, beneficiaries and Protectors in Court proceedings. He regularly appears in Court on their
behalf as counsel.
Carlos was called to the Bar of England and Wales (now non-practising) in 1990, and practised at
the Chancery Bar in London for approximately ten years in the Chambers of G.C. Vos QC, 3 Stone
Buildings, Lincoln´s Inn. He worked for two years at Maples and Calder in the Cayman Islands, and
then joined Appleby in 2003. He became a partner of Appleby in 2006.